RAndy's Book Reviews

Providing book reviews from a couple of bookaholics

The Teacher Book Cover

The Teacher

February 19, 20241 min read

SYNOPSIS: I don’t really want to write much here because most of the plot would be given away. I think going into this knowing the trigger warnings are important, but other than that, just start it! There is a teacher/high school student relationship that is described in detail from grooming to end, affairs, and, of course, murder. 

MY THOUGHTS: This was another Freida McFadden fast-paced thriller that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I felt as though I was on a roller coaster that I sometimes wanted to get off of and other times wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. Halfway through the book I thought I should put it down because I could not stand the filthy pedophile and the relationship that was so obviously unfolding. That being said, I read this book in just over a day. I devoured the almost 400 pages because I was fearful, concerned, and could not wait to see how it would all go down in the end (this author’s specialty). Even with this topic, I could not help but think that it was so well done. We mainly hear from the POV of Eve, a teacher and Addie, a junior in high school. Their stories are intertwined, but their voices were so accurate. The teenager was truly a sad and brainwashed child,  and the teacher distinctly adult. There were twists and turns that I did see coming, although it didn’t bother me. BUT THE END!!! What a nauseating twist. Knowing this is fictional makes me feel a little better, but it is a good discussion starter on absolutely horrific behavior that is happening in real life more than people want to admit. 

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