RAndy's Book Reviews

Providing book reviews from a couple of bookaholics

Dark Matter Cover

Dark Matter

April 13, 20242 min read

🧑‍🔬“It’s terrifying when you consider that every thought we have, every choice we could possibly make, branches into a new world.” 

SYNOPSIS: A man named Jason Desson goes out one night to celebrate a former colleague and is kidnapped from the streets of Chicago. He leaves behind his wife, Daniela, and their son, Charlie, only to wake up in a bright laboratory in a world where people seem to be studying him. Everyone seems to know who Jason is, but no one he sees is familiar. When he tries to get home, he realizes that the life he woke up in is not the same as what he left. In this reality, he is a world-renowned genius whose discoveries have forever changed the way people could live. There are paths in life that can be changed by each and every decision one makes, but is one better than any other? Jason is determined to uncover the answer to this question and discover what is truly worth living for.

MY THOUGHTS: WOW! I would not consider myself a sci-fi fan, but this book had my attention from very early on. I was able to buddy read it with my husband and it was so fun to be able to talk to each other (especially when I had some questions about quantum mechanics) throughout the adventure…and it was quite the adventure! For all of you out there that see the science words in my post and start scrolling…WAIT! I would normally keep going too, but this one is so worth the try! I felt as though it read much more like a thriller with some science mixed in than a true science fiction novel. The fast pace kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time! Plus, the message of this story is a positive one. If you are willing and open to trying something new and outside your typical genre, LET IT BE THIS ONE! I will be thinking about this one for years to come. Also, it has been adapted into a TV show that comes out on Apple+ May 8, 2024!!

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